
10-12 chicken drum sticks

2 carrots peeled and cut into 2cm sections

1 onion quartered through the stem end

Add a bundle of herbs tied up with a piece of string


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius

Spread the drum sticks in a heavy roasting pan just large enough to hold them in a single layer and sprinkle the carrot and onion on top

Roast for about 45 Minutes, or until the drum sticks are well browned, and have released all their juices, and the juices have caramelized on the bottom of the pan.

Transfer the drum sticks to a pot and put the roasting pan on the stove top over high heat.

Pour about 2 cups water into the roasting pan, bring to a boil and deglaze the pan.

Scrape up any brown bits on the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon. Pour the liquid over the drum sticks in the pot.

Add cold water to the pot to cover the drum sticks by about 50mm and add the herbs in the centre. Bring to a gentle simmer, starting at a high heat and reducing the heat to low once a simmer is reached.

Move the pot slightly off centre of the burner/stove plate and adjust the heat so the liquid bubbles gently on one side.

Simmer gently (uncovered) for 3 hours, adding water as needed to keep the drum sticks covered.

Remove from the heat, lift out and store away the drum sticks, and strain the liquid through a fine mesh strainer into a storage container.

Can be stored in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, or in the freezer for up to 1 year.