
Sesame Seed Unhulled 250g
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Sesame Seed Unhulled 250g

( Other )
N$27.00 (including 15 % tax)

While it is beginning to regain favour due to its exceptionally high calcium (100 grams of sesame contain 1450mg of calcium)and magnesium these little seeds are loaded with essential minerals such as manganese, copper, iron, phosphorus and calcium. The zinc in sesame seeds promotes bone health and prevents osteoporosis later in life. Among all the nuts and seeds commonly eaten across the world, sesame seeds have been found to contain the highest amount of phytosterols, which are known to lower bad cholesterol. Sesame seeds increase your levels of Vitamin E, which plays a vital role in fighting disease. Studies show that sesame seeds can improve the effectiveness of certain diabetes medication. Sesame seed oil is known to reduce hypertension and ease stress. The antioxidants in sesame seeds fight free radicals, thereby promoting youthfulness and strengthening the immune system. A substance in sesame seeds has been found to inhibit the spread of many cancers.

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